
Hartstein will put people before party

We have a choice in the upcoming Democratic Primary. The choice is between an extremely experienced community activist, leader and legislator or someone else. I would compare and contrast the candidates, but there is no comparison. Elliott Hartstein is the only candidate qualified to hit the ground running to help pull the state of Illinois out of its current situation and help make Illinois one of the best places to live, as he has helped to do while at the helm in the village of Buffalo Grove.

While his opponent is taking polls to determine the issues, Hartstein is already addressing the issues because he has his finger on the pulse of his constituency. Hartstein has also shown on an ongoing basis, his commitment to seeking feedback from citizens and hearing all points of view before he casts his votes on issues.

As our Representative, Hartstein will work to address closing the state's financial gap, improving education, improving the environment, campaign finance reform, recall for elected officials and support for our senior citizens. Hartstein will also work to put an end to unfunded state mandates, a practice that has crippled our municipalities.

Hartstein has relationships on both sides of the aisle. Imagine what can be accomplished when a Democrat works with Republicans to resolve the key issues.

Hartstein is an independent-minded Democrat who will vote for what is in the best interest of the people as opposed to the party. That's probably the reason he was one of a handful of representative candidates who was endorsed by the Independent Voters of Illinois-Independent Precinct Organization (IVI-IPO).

Hartstein's long standing experience in local government and his community make him the clear choice for State Representative in the 59th District.

I will be casting my Vote for Elliott Hartstein, I hope you will too.

Andrew Stein

Buffalo Grove