
Honest, independent Seals is best choice

There are many reasons that most of the active political volunteers, organizers, and donors support Dan Seals for Congress, but the most important one is that he can win November and provide the independent leadership that fits the needs of our district.

Dan is far ahead of his competitors in the primary - in the polls as well as in his knowledge of the district. He has invested the time to get to know us and understand the issues here, and he's worked to make things better.

He has brought in experts and led forums on health care, education, transportation, energy, and the economy.

He has organized environmental cleanup days, developed green jobs programs, and helped other local candidates. For me, it's also important that of the three Democratic candidates, Dan Seals is the one who has never willfully misled the voters.

He has always been honest, and he has taken the high road at every turn. If you want a smart, caring, independent leader in Congress, please join me in voting for Dan Seals on Feb. 2.

Nancy Pred
