
Dynamic Hamos will bring change

I consider myself a fiscally moderate and socially progressive independent that leans Democrat. I was on the fence in this upcoming primary until doing some research and meeting Rep. Julie Hamos. Julie is running for Congresswoman in the 10th District.

In my opinion Julie is not only a dynamic, intelligent woman with years of experience as a state representative. She is a caring, pragmatic person who listens, keeps an open mind, works across the aisle, cares about not only her constituents, but all Americans.

I have no doubt that if we do our job of getting her elected in the 10th district primary, she will do her job in working for us throughout the following campaign and on the Hill; and when I say us I don't just mean Democrats, women, Jews, or residents of the 10th District (comprising all races, religions, ethnicities, economies and opinions) but the whole country: liberal, moderate, conservative, Republican, independent.

Julie has the ability and desire to bring the whole complex construct of government to the table to work for the general good. I think she deserves the chance to try and prove it in Congress. We have had enough bickering, grandstanding and double talking for a lifetime; let's elect Julie Hamos to listen, think and work toward actually getting something done. That's what we need in this district and this country. She accomplished it in Springfield with women's issues, public transportation, jobs, and environmental leadership; now it's time to send her to D.C. to get the job done nationally.

Please show up to vote Feb. 2nd in this very important primary. Better yet vote early in case of weather or scheduling conflicts. Vote. Our job isn't yet done.

Ronda Scott-Marak
