
Seals will work to help U.S. succeed

The Feb. 2nd primary is near. Many Americans are living through some very difficult times right now. Most people of the 10th Congressional district have been impacted to some degree. I believe that serious times point out just how important it is to vote for serious candidates. That is why I will be supporting Dan Seals for Congress.

A successful businessman with a MBA from the University of Chicago and a master's from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Seals has the tools and the experience necessary to really make a difference for us in Washington.

Seals will work to lower the costs of the essential ingredients to our success: energy, education, and health care. He will work to encourage research and development and small business growth to create jobs.

Dan Seals believes the United States should be the leader in providing alternative energy solutions to the world and to make that happen there needs to be investment in green technologies.

We need to elect Dan Seals to Congress and the first step is to vote for Seals in the Feb. 2 primary.

Patricia A. Budin

Arlington Heights