
Dold is best choice in 10th District

Robert Dold is the candidate we need for small businesses. The Feb. 2 primary election is less than a month away, and it's up to the Republican voters in the 10th District to elect a congressional candidate who will do the best job at representing them in Washington.

Robert Dold is the candidate who has the best interests of the people of the 10th District in mind, and is the only one who will fight to bring back jobs to our area.

Unlike the Springfield career politicians who have never operated a business or experienced the challenges facing small businesses, Dold owns a small business in Northfield and knows the importance of small business to the economy.

He recently attended an event at Keats Manufacturing in Wheeling where he met with business owners to discuss the government-related issues affecting small businesses. Many owners at the event decided Dold is the best candidate to fight for small businesses in Washington, and gave him their endorsement.

Job creation, which starts with small businesses, is my most important issue coming into 2010. No one can represent businesses better than an experienced candidate who operates one, so let's stand together and elect Dold to Congress. is his Web site.

Brian Burgess

Vernon Township Republicans Precinct Committeeman

Long Grove