
Hartstein's record can't be topped

Elliott Hartstein will bring a significant voice to Springfield for all residents of the 59th district. His dedication to better government is reflected in his long time participation in many difficult issues facing Illinois residents. His experience as mayor of Buffalo Grove for 3 terms, vice-president of the Illinois Municipal League, vice chairman of the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, secretary of the Lake County Municipal League, past president of the Northwest Municipal Conference, and of the NW Suburban JCC including his interest in making schools stronger when he served as a school board member in District 125 for Stevenson High School, give him the necessary background and understanding to be an outstanding legislator.

I have witnessed his leadership on many occasions in his work on for the Northwest Municipal Conference, whether it was for lobbying for local congestion matters, or in Springfield testifying to in order to pass good legislation for our state and our region. Elliott understands the 'big picture' of government, and has helped others to understand it as well, including me.

As a fellow mayor and as current president of the Northwest Municipal Conference who has worked closely with Elliott Hartstein for several years as a colleague, I am urging all voters in the 59th District to cast a ballot for Elliott Hartstein for State Representative. By doing so, they will cast a vote for honesty, integrity, and dedication towards government for the people of our state.

Gerald C. Turry

Mayor, Village of Lincolnwood

President, Northwest Municipal Conference