
On first time voting, my pick is Seals

Today, I was given the privilege of meeting the candidates for the 10th Congressional District at my school, Adlai E. Stevenson High School.

While I knew that I was going to pull the Democratic primary ballot in my first election on Feb. 2, I was previously unsure of who to choose because of the great similarities among the candidates.

After seeing Rep. Julie Hamos and business consultant Dan Seals speak, I made my choice. While Rep. Hamos offered a very compelling argument for her election, Dan Seals won over my mind and my heart through his amazing ability to reach out to my fellow students and I. Dan showed actual interest in talking policy with 17 and 18 year old students, many of whom will not even be able to vote in the primary election.

When the room was too crowded for everyone to have a chair, Dan sat right down on the floor with the students without chairs and began talking with them before he gave his very eloquent speech. To me, it seems that Dan Seals is more than just a Democratic candidate for Congress; rather, Dan is a friendly man who resonates with people of all ages and backgrounds. It also seems to me that Dan Seals will take every one of his constituents with seriousness, understanding, and great comprehension of what we want.

For my first election, Dan Seals has my vote, and I hope he has yours too.

Christopher Towner

Buffalo Grove