
Sente is a leader who participates

I recently had the honor of participated in State Rep. Carol Sente's Education Advisory Committee evaluating legislative proposals written by local students in our community. The students were from Stevenson, Vernon Hills, Libertyville and other area high schools. It was an exciting opportunity for our youth to learn a little bit about the political process.

I think it is great to have a representative who listens to her constituents, but Rep. Sente has taken her duties to a higher level, working with students to empower them as they prepare to go on to college and enter the work force.

It was surprising that a politician was willing to take advice from an outside source, and even more surprising that she was willing to listen to students. The finalists were all excellent concepts that, when enacted, would improve our community.

Since taking office, Carol has been very proactive in working with our school district to help make sure our students and community have the tools they need to thrive.

For thirty years I have worked in education and business, often dealing with legislators in Springfield. There are those that are intrinsically driven to serve their constituents, Representative Sente is one of those. And at this time that is what we need most in Illinois.

I hope you all will go to the polls on February 2nd to vote in the Democratic Primary for a Representative that is really willing to listen to the people.

John Sonnenberg

Hawthorn District 73 Board Member

Vernon Hills