
Coulson takes wrong stand on immigration

Your endorsement of Ms. Coulson is wrong.

She bills herself as a conservative who wants to help the people of Illinois. A true conservative would not want to let all the illegals have a legal path to citizenship. They are lawbreakers and should be treated as such. If a legal path is allowed, the now 20 million or more, with chain migration in effect, could raise illegals here to 40 million or more.

If she wants to help the people of Illinois, she would stand by the law of the land and make them go back to their own countries and come in legally.

Haven't the people of Illinois spent enough of their tax money on providing too many benefits to these people? How much of the 11 billion in deficits is caused by people illegally using our services here in Illinois? I think the people of Illinois have a better choice.

I have mine and he will not allow Illinois to be a sanctuary state as it is right now.

Jim O'Toole


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