
Hartstein offers substantive answers

It seems Carol Sente only attacks Elliott Hartstein and distorts his positions instead of offering concrete ideas of her own. Elliott Hartstein, on the other hand, continues to offer substantive ideas.

On the issue of taxes, she ignores the real facts while Elliott has offered a series of serious proposals on how to attack our state deficit. He even encouraged his opponent to join him, at her own town hall meeting, on one idea that seems to be a no-brainer. It's a moratorium on new legislative increases in public employee pension benefits that are driving our tax bills through the roof.

Sente merely gave some fuzzy answer about how the issue is not black and white, and she would not commit to this simple way to start holding the line on the budget.

Hartstein has made clear he will only consider any type of tax increase after there are real cuts and reforms and only if it is tied to property tax relief and an increase in the amount that is exempt from taxation.

Sente's suggestion that Elliott does not support the First Amendment is completely absurd.

No one does more to give citizens a chance to speak than Elliott Hartstein. He does this regularly while chairing village board meetings for countless hours so everyone can have a say.

I urge everyone to reject Sente's negative approach. Cast a positive vote for Elliott Hartstein for state representative for the 59th District.

Michael Mell

Buffalo Grove

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