
Honesty, integrity cannot be matched

Simply put, Elliott Hartstein is among the finest men I have ever had the honor of knowing. Because I am not a politician and choose not to talk about the myriad achievements that he has accomplished, I want to focus on Elliott Hartstein, the man. I have known Elliott for over twenty years, and he consistently demonstrates and lives a life of honesty, integrity, righteousness, and empathy. Fundamentally, your concern is his concern. He beams at the promise of each new community event because it signifies family and community ties. He looks for the best in people, and then returns his best, a hundred times over. His care and concern for our village is unmatched. He works for the people, and he gets people to work for him. Please choose Elliott Hartstein for our State Representative of the 59th District because we need honest and intelligent government, and Elliott is the person that will bring that vision to Springfield.

Linda Rosen

Village of Buffalo Grove Arts Commission Chair

Buffalo Grove

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