
Seals will listen to constituents

Dan Seals has earned our vote for Congress. He worked hard through the last elections and nearly beat the incumbent. Now the seat is open and he deserves our support. Knowledgeable on the issues, an open listener, and a thoughtful speaker he is prepared for the job. Dan Seals will be a new face in government.

Dick Durbin lost his first two elections and is now the U.S. Senate Majority Leader. Let's send another Illinois Democrat to Washington who will listen, work hard and vote with us.

Some of us suffered with Phil Crane for what seemed like a lifetime then were gerrymandered out of the opportunity to vote for Melissa Bean. Finally, the chance to vote for an intelligent, responsive leader is here. Vote early, vote on Election Day, but vote for Dan Seals in the 10th Congressional District.

Shirley Forpe


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