
Sente will seek input from the people

In the Democratic Primary for the Illinois 59th District House seat we find running Carol Sente and Elliott Hartstein. In my opinion, there has not been a clearer choice in a race for a seat. The clear choice is Carol Sente. One of the few private individuals writing to endorse Elliott stated that a problem with Carol was that she started citizen committee's to get input when she was appointed to the House seat. Isn't that just like a politician? They run for office to supposedly "represent" us but instead push their own agenda?

In Carol we actually see someone who truly does seek our opinions to insure she represents us instead of pushing a private agenda on us.

I am deeply concerned about Elliott's handling on several "hot" issues we have had in Buffalo Grove, where he is our mayor, and I believe we can predict his future actions based on past performance. On an issue of off-track gambling, instead of bringing up the issue separately and then holding town meetings or gathering citizen input, it was pushed through. Do you want that done on a statewide basis?

On the issue of the new trustee in town and the problematic board meetings that ensued, instead of reaching out and trying to help her acclimate to the Board, or using leadership skills to work positively to bring her into the fold, I saw nothing but hostility, ill feelings, attempts to toss her out or censure her due to, in my opinion, her disagreement with your stand on issues like the gambling.

I don't want promises, I want action. Carol has done that. She has the intelligence, the concern, the principles and the actions to warrant our vote. Please join me in voting for Carol Sente.

Katherine A. Hedlund

Buffalo Grove