
Parties, leadership are already limited

Your editorial, "Talking about an Illinois Revolution" turned our campaign finance reform law upside down.

Contrary to your claims, the law does not limit how much anyone - candidates, legislative leaders, political parties, or "swift boat" committees - can spend on primary or general elections.

The U.S. Supreme Court has clearly stated that we cannot limit campaign spending.

Instead, we have limited what everyone - including legislative leaders and political parties - can raise in campaign contributions. Everyone is on equal footing. We did single out legislative leaders and political parties in one regard.

Political parties and legislative leader committees are organized solely to elect their members. Because expenditures by political parties and legislative leaders necessarily benefit candidates, we characterize their expenditures as contributions to the candidates.

While our campaign finance law permits unlimited spending in primary elections by candidates and "swift boat" committees, we have strictly limited coordinated spending in primary election by political parties and legislative leaders. Only legislative leaders and political parties are subject to this extraordinary limitation, thereby reducing their influence in primary elections but maintaining an equal footing in general elections.

Senator Don Harmon

Assistant Majority Leader

Oak Park

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