
Disillusioned? Step up and get involved

When I read about people not voting because of apathy and dissatisfaction, I have two words: get involved. Other than voting, I had never been involved in an election. After reading about Julie Hamos who was running in the Democratic primary for the 10th Congressional District seat, I decided to volunteer for her campaign. I made buttons and phone calls, did paperwork, and used my house as a staging area on election day.

From Julie, herself, who was always gracious and tireless in her efforts to the staff and volunteers in the campaign office, this was a wonderful experience. The young people especially were unfailingly patient and helpful; their enthusiasm and hard work were contagious. Although the election results were disappointing for Julie and for me, it was fascinating to see how a campaign works and how one person can help.

If you are disillusioned, choose a candidate you respect, volunteer, and become part of the democratic process.

Mary-Martha Hancock
