
Libertyville job center helping workers survive a layoff

The handful of people who came to Wednesday's unemployment workshop talked about how job loss can cut deeper than just creating financial chaos.

They shared stories about trying to hold things together, and commiserated about the loss of identity they feel losing a career.

Sessions like this one - how to survive a layoff, led by financial adviser Bruce R. Pipin, Jr. - is one reason the Fresh Start of Illinois job help center in Libertyville has seen a steady stream of people since last November.

"We've had almost 80 first-time visitors. Most of those got help with resume writing, interviewing skills and cover letters," Fresh Start board member Tom Gottfried said. "I think our strength is the having the ability to be flexible in meeting very specific needs."

The private nonprofit organization provides resume-writing lessons, classes on debt reduction and budgeting, free Internet access and interview skills workshops, among other aids.

Gottfried said he knows of at least four people who landed jobs since receiving their help, but added that Fresh Start is only one stop on the journey to employment.

"I'm sure we've been helpful, but there are a number of groups that have formed during this recession. I think often it's a combination of everyone's help," he said.

Gottfried said many of the volunteers who staff the center are also unemployed, but have learned things they can share.

"If you've spent months doing online job hunting or going on interviews, you have knowledge and experience about the search process that can benefit others," he said. "We have a number of volunteers in that category."

The office at 1512 Artaius Parkway has a training room, conference room, and a bank of computers for online job hunting. It's open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. More information can be found at or by calling (847) 521-3910.

It's only been three weeks since Marie Hertel lost her job as an office manager, but she's not wasting time getting help. The Libertyville woman said Fresh Start is filling a need.

"The big corporations have outplacement services, but when you lose your job at a smaller company, you don't get that," Hertel said. "This place operates in much the same way as an outplacement service. It's really been a great resource for me."