
Cardinal George makes a Good Friday stop in suburbs

The annual Via Crucis drama in Waukegan was twice blessed on Good Friday.

The gathering was graced by a visit from Cardinal Francis George and the weather was mercifully mild compared to previous years.

Marking its 20th anniversary, the pageant drew an estimated 3,000 people who walked along the "Living Way of the Cross," from Belvidere Park to Most Blessed Trinity Catholic Church.

The drama culminated with the staged crucifixion of Jesus and an address by the Cardinal.

Crowded by dozens of the faithful, George walked slowly, blessing babies, shaking hands and getting his hand kissed by admirers as he made his way to the platform.

Speaking first in Spanish and then English, George gave a homily that focused on the suffering savior.

"We know that Jesus is our Lord and is the life of the church," he said. "We know that through the cross, good can come from evil, suffering from sacrifice."

Having the Cardinal at the event was particularly special for Most Blessed Trinity pastor Rev. Daniel Hartnett. The fact George fit the event into his schedule made the day memorable.

"His visit really means a lot to us," Hartnett said. "This was probably one of at least five stops he's made today, and I know it's not easy for him to come all the way to Waukegan."

Arranging for a visit from the Cardinal isn't easy, Hartnett said. "It's really up to him as to where he goes and when. It's another reason we are so honored to have him here today."

Dozens of volunteers from Most Blessed church begin preparing for the drama in January. The realistic re-enactment includes whipping of some of the actors, sometimes drawing blood.

The Stations of the Cross tradition dates to the 13th Century and offers a way for Catholics and Christians of other denominations to remember the final hours of Jesus' life.

George reminded the crowd why the holiday is known as "Good" Friday. The death of Jesus was essential for eternal life.

"This is a great gift from the Father to us," he said. "We are never alone. Jesus has gone before us."

The 20th annual "Via Crucis" pageant in Waukegan on Good Friday. An estimated 3,000 people walked along the living Stations of the Cross. Vincent Pierri | Staff Photographer

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