
Don't come unglued over library hours

Among the recent exchange of criticisms between the Wheaton Public Library Board and the Wheaton City Council, I ask that we all take a deep breath and remember that we're in this together.

Sometimes stating the obvious is a good place to start. The library board, city council and their respective staffs are all good people doing their very best to serve the people of Wheaton. Both entities are operating in the worst economic recession in over 70 years and there are simply not adequate resources to meet our traditional demands.

During the city's budget discussions in April, the library board informed the council that if the library's operating budget were reduced from $3.4 million to $3.1 million, the board would have to seriously consider closing on Fridays. I did not take this as a threat or a negotiating tactic.

When I voted to approve the city's final budget (with reduced library funding), I did so with the knowledge that the Friday closures were a very real possibility. I take full responsibility for my decision and its consequences. I stand by the council's difficult and unpopular decision to reduce library funding, and I understand, even support, the library board's equally difficult and unpopular decision to close on Fridays.

Rather than engage in an endless cycle of buck-passing, the city and the library need to do two things. First, present a fair and consistent explanation to the people of Wheaton, whom we both serve. Second, work together in getting the library back to adequate funding and operating hours as soon as possible.

These times are challenging, but temporary. A few years from now, I don't want it to be said that, "When times were tough, everyone came completely unglued and went after each other." I would prefer to talk about how we got through it together.

Todd Scalzo

Councilman, city of Wheaton

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