
Dold understands small business

We need to send Robert Dold to represent us in Congress; he knows that small businesses in this country need to be able to make plans. In Washington, D.C., we've seen a health care bill passed, which no one voting for it even read or understood. Now we hear that it will raise costs rather than lower them. Then Congress passed a financial reform bill, again neither read nor understood by those voting to pass it.

Does anyone in Washington know what he or she is doing? No wonder our business community is hesitant to create jobs. Robert Dold is a man who is actually running a small business every day. He knows that without some idea of what is coming from our government, it is impossible to plan ahead.

We await decisions that have not been clarified by our lawmakers. Raising taxes on business owners is not the way to create jobs. No wonder our economy is struggling and unemployment is higher than it has been in many years. Let's end this class warfare - everyone needs lower taxes allowing them to make their own decisions about how their money should be spent.

It's time to send someone who understands our needs to Washington. Too many have been there too long and have lost touch with day-to-day realities.

AnnEllen Barr

Buffalo Grove