
Seals can't be trusted on Social Security

I could not disagree more with the Daily Herald's endorsement of Dan Seals who has been so busy flipping his positions and selling out to special interest groups that in six years he hasn't found the time to move into the district he aspires to represent.

I think that the Herald was especially reprehensible in endorsing Seals' position on Social Security, which according to his website is that “it probably won't bankrupt the government for 27 years so we shouldn't do anything about it.” Bob Dold has the courage to be a true leader on entitlement issues and has acknowledged that Social Security reform is necessary for young people who have time to plan their retirements. The response from the Seals campaign and from the shady interest groups that he is beholden to has been an unending stream of misleading smear ads implying that Dold would pull the plug on seniors' retirements, which of course has never been his position. Seals' brand of shameless lying has no place in the politics of the 10th District.

Regarding the most important issue of this election, the economy, how many people believe that more expensive litigation and exploding public pension liabilities are the path to recovery? Because Dan Seals' top donors are the trial lawyer advocacy groups and labor unions whose fringe political agendas are tanking our economy. Washington needs more legislators who understand what it takes to make America a more competitive business environment, and Dold is the only man for the job.

Debbie Warsh

Highland Park