
U.S. should end ties to U.N.

It has become apparent to me, that membership and economic support of the United Nations, although once a good idea, has become a negative as far as the United States of America is concerned, and the rights of its individual citizens under our Constitution. I feel we should no longer financially support the U.N. and have it removed from its main office in our country.

The U.N. is nothing more than an anti-American organization that has as its goal to infringe upon our national sovereignty. We cannot permit this and remain a country. Unfortunately, the current administration seems to think this is a great idea. Hopefully, the recent elections will prevent this from occurring.

Nevertheless, it is in every American citizen's best interest to write their representatives and senators and ask that we withdraw from the United Nations and stop spending millions of dollars in support of their budget, since it attacks our national sovereignty. Hopefully, our NATO allies will do the same.

As a child, my father taught me to box. Since I was one of the shortest kids in my class, he said you are going to be picked on by bullies and you will need to defend yourself. Bullies only understand one thing and it is strength. My left hook and right cross taught the bullies not to pick on me. The United States of America needs to do the same. The United Nations needs to go the route of the League of Nations that failed miserably.

Steven R. Heuberger
