
Crespo seeks Advisory Committee Members

State Rep. Fred Crespo (D-Hoffman Estates) is seeking local residents for participation in his community advisory committees, including: education, veteran services, disability services, economic development, senior services and health care.

“The community advisory committee's are a great resource when it comes to drafting or supporting legislation,” Crespo stated. “Not only do they keep me up to date with local issues while in Springfield, but we have engaging conversations over particular issues that each member has direct knowledge or experience with.”

Crespo is looking for local professionals, as well as, constituents with knowledge and/or experience within the committee's particular field. Advisory committees usually meet four times a year, and are opportunities for local constituents to have direct input into the issues most affecting them.

Anybody interested in becoming a member of either: education, veteran services, disability services, economic development, senior services or health care advisory committees are asked to please contact the constituent service office at (630) 372-3340 or

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