
Mary F. Thon: Candidate Profile

Streamwood Village board

Note: Answers provided have not been edited for grammar, misspellings or typos. In some instances, candidate claims that could not be immediately verified have been omitted. Jump to:BioKey IssuesQA Bio City: StreamwoodWebsite: Candidate did not respond.Office sought: Streamwood Village boardAge: 51Family: Divorced Theresa, daughter, 19 Two rescue dogs, Mondo and LilyOccupation: Student Support Advisor, Keller Graduate School, Schaumburg I provide academic and financial aid counseling for our students. Adjunct College Professor I teach History, Humanities, Research and Critical Analysis.Education: Master of Arts -- HistoryCivic involvement: Member Community Relations Commission #8211; Village of Streamwood St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church• Catechist #8211; third and seventh grade• Member of the #147;Grandma#148; baking ministry that provides baked and store-bought baked goods for the Elgin Community Crisis CenterI was President of my Condominium Board for over ten yearsVolunteer -- Chicagoland Dog RescueI also volunteer with Kiwanis Peanuts Day every year.Elected offices held: Candidate did not respond.Have you ever been arrested for or convicted of a crime? If yes, please explain: No.Candidate's Key Issues Key Issue 1 The Village has been very successful at maintaining a balanced budget in these difficult economic times. My number one priority will be to make sure we continue to do so.Key Issue 2 While continuing to live within our means, we must maintain and improve the essential Village services that our residents need.Key Issue 3 The Board should do all it can to preserve and protect property values in Streamwood.Questions Answers What makes you the best candidate for the job?I listen and I work with people to solve problems. As President of my Condo Association, I acted as a sounding board for homeowner issues. I worked with the homeowners to address issues and improve our property. As a college administrator and professor, I interact with people of all ages and walks of life. I work with them to help them achieve their educational goals. I believe that all of these skills and experiences will be an asset to the Village Board and add to the diverse mix of leaders who have made Streamwood so successful in the past.Given the delicate balance between the need for revenue and over-taxing local businesses, what is your opinion of your community's present level of local sales taxes? Is the tax just right, too low or too high? Explain.The Village sales tax is at just the right level and should NOT be raised. Raising local sales taxes can drive the business into other communities that have lower taxes. The key is to find alternative sources of revenue to keep a lid on taxes. Any time you raise taxes, it affect families, so we must work together to ensure that government lives within our means.Talking with your friends and neighbors, what seems to be their biggest public safety concern? Explain the concern as you see it, and discuss how you think it should be addressed.I do know that there is a great deal of concern regarding home foreclosures. The Village needs to work to fill vacant homes and expand the tax base. We need to continue to work with rental property owners to ensure that rental properties are kept up to code so that residents' property values are not affected.In these tight economic times, municipal budgets have to be prioritized. Where, if anywhere, could the current budget be trimmed, and conversely, are there areas the budget does not give enough money to?I believe that the function of government is to provide those services for the people that they cannot provide for themselves. It is imperative that we budget enough money for continued quality police and fire protection. Additionally, we must continue to fund maintenance of Village infrastructure. As the Village maintains its property, so homeowners will do the same. I believe the Village has done a good job of maintaining vital services at the lowest possible cost to taxpayers and I will help to ensure that it continues to do so.What#146;s one good idea you have to better the community that no one is talking about yet?I am going to propose three new ideas that I think will help build a stronger bond in our community. One, I would like to see the Village Board schedule a ""Coffee with the Trustees"" event on some kind of a regular schedule. I think this would be a good way for Trustees to learn more about residents' concerns and ideas in an informal setting, as well as a way for residents to learn more about the way the Village works. Secondly, I think that it would be valuable to have the Board and staff meet with the Presidents and Boards of Streamwood's homeowners association once or twice per year. This would, I believe, be of value to the Village and to the many residents of Streamwood who belong to homeowners association. Third, I would like to work with the Streamwood Police to expand the Crime-Free Housing program. This is a partnership program with the Village, Streamwood Police and residents designed to assist tenants, owners, and managers of rental property in keeping drugs and other illegal activity away from their property.