
Walk supports cancer programs at Wellness House


It has to be one of the most isolating words in the language.

When it's your word, your diagnosis, it belongs to you alone. The fears are yours, the emotions are yours, and the hope and courage and strength must be yours, too.

Even with the love and support of family and friends, and the help and guidance of skilled doctors, your experience is different from theirs, unique to you as the patient.

Wellness House, though, aims to replace the isolation with inclusion.

The center in Hinsdale offers a host of programs for cancer patients and survivors — from support groups and lectures to fitness and health classes. Each is intended to help participants connect with and learn from each other as they work through similar situations.

Jeff Zimmer of Oak Brook and his wife, Debbie, each fought their own cancer at the same time. But while they were able to support each other, they found resources at Wellness House that helped them both manage better.

Three years later, both Zimmers are healthy and taking part in the Walk for Wellness House Sunday, May 15. Jeff Zimmer tells us more about the couple's commitment to supporting Wellness House:

Why will I be walking again for Wellness House Sunday, May 15? I want to inspire the greatest turnout ever to raise funds for the wonderful programs offered for free to anyone diagnosed with cancer at Wellness House.

The first time I walked, in 2008, I was in the middle of treatment for throat cancer and my wife, Debbie, had just had a double mastectomy. We walked with bandages and pink bandannas, and about 60 friends and family who took turns holding up our “Mission Possible” sign. This time around, it's easy.

The thing I want to tell you is, Wellness House helped save my life. I know it sounds melodramatic, but when you are going through such a stressful time dealing with the diagnosis and aftermath of cancer, all that support really makes a difference to your healing and survival. The message is: you don't have to go through it alone. You can go through it with people in a similar situation and get advice from experts in the field.

It was my daughter who thought of Wellness House after my diagnosis. I went there for a consultation. Going through radiation for 15 minutes every day is very stressful, and they suggested several things I could do to relieve my stress.

I took a guided imagery course and could fantasize about being in another place, like a beautiful beach, while getting radiation. I was so transported that I walked into the lobby in my hospital gown.

I also joined a support group — 20 men and women of all ages with 16 different types of cancer. They empower you and help you see that your experience is not unique to you. Being in a group lets you talk about your cancer with people who don't feel uncomfortable with the subject. I still go to a group, now mostly to support others.

Wellness House has so many programs to help you deal with living with cancer — because that's what you do for the rest of your life. That realization initially surprised and depressed me, but Wellness House offers numerous healing sessions to help work this out.

There's a big emphasis on eating better, with classes on nutrition. And, if you need physical exercise, yoga, tai chi — it's important to keep active when you're being beaten up by chemo and radiation — it's all there. My wife likes to attend the lectures given by experts, specifically on breast cancer.

So I walk for those programs. I walk for the guys and gals in the support groups and everyone who uses Wellness House. I walk because I recognize that without the love and support of Wellness House and my family and friends, I never could have gone on.

I encourage you to come join us to walk for Wellness House May 15. The walk can be as short as 10 steps. You can walk, run, go halfway or all the way. No worries: It's all about the cause.

Debbie Zimmer, front, and her husband, Jeff Zimmer, are the inspiration for the Mission Possible team that participates in the Walk for Wellness House with Jeanne Eber. The Oak Brook couple each found support at Wellness House as they fought cancer. Courtesy of Jeff Zimmer

If you go

What: Walk for Wellness House

Why: Proceeds support free programs and services for cancer patients

When: 8:30 a.m. Sunday, May 15

Where: Wellness House, 131 N. County Road, Hinsdale

Cost: $25, register online

To support Mission Possible team: Click on Fundraisers on the website, then select the team
