
Weather a part of the atmosphere at Dickens in Dundee

Planning a well-attended outdoor festival, such as Dickens in Dundee, during December in Northern Illinois is always tricky.

Ideally, the perfect weather entails light snow falling on a white landscape and just below-freezing temperatures.

In the 24 years the three-day Dickens festival, which will run Friday through Sunday, Dec. 2-4, has been held in East and West Dundee, the atmospheric ambiance to the start of the holiday season in Dundee Township has not always been perfect.

There were years when above-average temperatures made it difficult for ice carvers show their skills before the blocks of ice melted.

“And a couple of years ago, the Kane County (Sheriff's Police) mounted patrol could not march in the parade because it was too cold for the horses,” said Kim Tibbetts, one of 10 organizers for this year's festival.

In other years, floats, cars and trucks carrying Santa, firefighters and other dignitaries have plowed through inches of slush and snow that fell over night. Those who walked the route gave their winter boots a good workout while waving to spectators with falling snow stinging their faces.

Who knows what the weather will be like this year when the festival starts at 6 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 2, at the Dundee Township Visitors' Center in East Dundee? The truth is, it doesn't matter.

No matter what the weather, Dickens in Dundee, staged and planned by West Dundee and put on with the help of church groups, civic clubs and volunteers, will have people walking along East and West Main Street and through Cal Grafelman Park.

If the air is cold, those revelers will put on extra sweaters and warmer gloves. If it is unusually warm, some may leave their coats at home and venture out wearing shorts, as some have some in the past.

Cold weather may have been too much for horses to march in Saturday's 10 a.m. Spirit of Christmas Parade, but it has not stopped Girl Scout and Boy Scout troops, veterans, politicians, many marching bands, church groups and Santa from marching.

Nor has the cold Illinois air stopped hundreds of spectators from lining the streets and cheering on the units. There is still room in the parade to march and watch, Tibbetts said.

Call her at the West Dundee Village Hall, (847) 551-3800, to register. Or view the festival's Internet page at to see a list of events planned from Friday night to Sunday afternoon.

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