
‘True progressive’ is right for Congress

I’m writing to talk about a great young candidate named Ilya Sheyman. I’ve had the pleasure to canvass for his campaign and it was a great experience.

Sheyman is a Jewish immigrant from the former Soviet Union and he went to Stevenson High School. Ilya is a progressive, he’s worked for Democrats for America and He’s received endorsements from Progressive Democrats for America and Howard Dean, the former DNC chair.

Sheyman is pro-choice and he wants to secure peace between the Israelis and Palestinians, he also wants that peace to last. Ilya also wants equality for all races, genders and sexual orientations and I support him in that.

I hope Ilya will win because we need a true progressive in Congress, and we need to get Robert Dold out.

Dold has promised to be moderate like Mark Kirk, but he’s voted with Republicans 10 out of 10 times. I want Ilya Sheyman to get elected because he wants to return the American dream and to strengthen the middle class.

Paul Vysotsky


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