
Advocate Condell doctor says screenings can prevent colon cancer deaths

Among cancers that affect both men and women, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

“It's estimated that more than half these deaths could be prevented if people 50 years of age and older underwent routine colonoscopy screenings,” said Dr. Michael Cochran, Advocate Condell's Medical Director of Oncology.

In fact, Dr. Cochran encourages all of his patients to follow American Cancer Society (ACS) guidelines for regular screening — beginning at age 50, a flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years, or colonoscopy every 10 years. The ACS recommends that some people be screened using a different schedule because of their personal history or family history. Talk with your doctor about your history and what colorectal cancer screening schedule is best for you. “The quicker we can catch something, the easier it is to treat,” Dr. Cochran added.

“Patients are usually very anxious about getting a colonoscopy, but, in reality, the test is simple and painless,” said Dr. Cochran. During the procedure, physicians examine the colon and rectum with a fiber-optic camera attached to a flexible tube. Using this instrument, the large bowel and part of the small bowel are carefully scanned for abnormalities, such as ulcerations, lesions or polyps that may eventually lead to cancer if untreated. “Oftentimes, patients do not show any signs or symptoms when we detect a problem. That is why it is so important to have a regimented screening schedule,” he said.

Dr. Cochran admits that the hardest part of a colonoscopy procedure may be the patient preparation. Patients need to fast for 12 hours before the procedure and take a laxative.

“The colon must be free from solid matter for the test to be performed properly,” he said. “Typically, patients follow a liquid diet the day prior to the colonoscopy.” Patients are usually sedated for the procedure. The colonoscopy takes about 20 minutes, and patients will spend an additional time in the recovery area before they are escorted home. They can resume all their normal activities the next day.

Dr. Cochran also recommends undergoing a traditional colonoscopy rather than an X-ray, which is not as reliable. “Virtual tests that produce pictures of the colon and rectum can often miss abnormalities or detect growths that are not really there,” he said. Also, if a polyp or lesion is detected during one of these tests, a patient would need to return to the hospital at a later date for surgery.

“During a colonoscopy, abnormal growths can be removed or biopsied immediately. Being able to do this is a benefit, both physically and mentally, to patients,” Dr. Cochran said. If lesions are too big to be safely removed during a colonoscopy, the patient would have to see a surgeon at a later date.

“Ever since Medicare approved colonoscopies, incidences of colon cancer have diminished. This is truly a lifesaving screening,” said Dr. Cochran.

For more information about cancer care at Advocate Condell, or to find a cancer specialist, visit

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