
Elgin looking great, but why visit?

Kudos to the City of Elgin for its upcoming summer siege on downtown. Last year was pretty bad trying to navigate the blocked off streets and detours to do business with the few remaining stores.

To do this in the midst of the worst recession since the 1929 Depression was sheer genius. Staying viable was already a battle, but the construction was the last straw for many.

There is nothing like a beautiful downtown Elgin with no reason to go there. But there are a few pesky stores still open that need to be dealt with.

However, Randall Road is doing much better without brickwork sidewalks and street crossing. What were they thinking?

I can hardly wait for the next consultant to tell Elgin that bricks are passé and must be dug up and tossed away.

Raleigh Sutton


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