
Obama’s statements, vote don’t match

Recently, President Obama spoke at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and “had the privilege” of meeting Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel. Obama delivered remarks on future Holocaust prevention. A couple of quotes from the president were, “We are haunted by the atrocities we did not stop,”, “Too often the world has failed to prevent the killing of innocents,” “The killing of innocents must come to an end,” and “The world can take pride in the innocent lives we have saved.”

As an Illinois senator, Barack Obama voted for legislation to permit infanticide — a practice in which the aborted fetus that is born alive, living and breathing is left to die with no additional means of medical assistance. He personally, as Sen. Obama, opposed the “Born Alive” act. So, for Obama, the shunning of “the least of our brothers and sisters” — millions of them — is somehow not among America’s greatest failings.

Chris Rawlings

Long Grove

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