
Food thief should be ashamed

Saturday, May 12, was the U.S. Post Office’s “Stamp Out Hunger Day.” We live in the Kimball Farms subdivision in Carpentersville, and as usual, I purchased two bags of food for this drive. My husband placed them by the mailbox, as directed, and a bit later we looked out to see that the bags were gone but the mail carrier had not been through yet.

I hope that whoever took the food, meant for the local food pantry, was desperately hungry and needed it more than the patrons of the pantry. I am really disgusted that someone would have the gall to steal from the needy. My worse fear is that it was some kids pulling a prank and just discarded the food items.

We did report the theft to the police and my husband also flagged down the carrier when he came through — he said he had collected nothing on his route.

Shame on this thief!

Lynn Maly


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