
Rescind cost increases in Elgin

Our late, beloved Elgin City Council member Marie Yearman can never be replaced, but John Prigge comes close to representing us, so we hope other council members will join John’s lone voting to stop overtaxing us, cutting our services, adding so many costs to our already breaking Elgin city water bills that should come under the two costly sewer bills we are billed for. No council should vote for projects that only represent a few of its taxpaying citizens, especially as they cry that there is no money for basics and huge debts to pay off.

The largest shock was finding it’s impossible for a breakdown on City of Elgin property taxes, mine so high, knowing most are even higher.

Why aren’t the citizens fighting to rescind all these added costs? Our economy is so low, we on static incomes are fighting to survive.

Phyllis Helm Krueger


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