
8 years of Obama? I don’t think so

In Fence Post May 16, Mr. Kirkland states that we are “most certainly” better of that we were four years ago. Well, Mr. Kirkland, I want some of your Kool-Aid to drink.

President Obama and his “transparent administration” have given the world a lesson in Chicago-style government. Yep, if they aren’t for you, bury them. David Axelrod is the best “shovel ready” supporter Obama has in his administration. But let’s consider the following before we rush to the conclusion that we are “most certainly” better off than four years ago.

Obama’s biggest success these past four years has been dividing this nation and building a debt we will never be able to pay off. Now, under Obama, we have class warfare, race warfare, religious warfare. Obama has moved us into the perfect position to return to the 1960s and before. Better off than four years ago? I don’t think so.

Traditional values in Obama’s America are far different from those of most Americans. Look how long it took him to place his hand over his heart for the playing of the national anthem or to wear a U.S. flag insignia on his lapel?

Obama was raised in a different culture with different values. He gravitated to the Marxist/Socialist left-wing educators, associates with many still today, and believes big government can cure all our problems. Better off with bigger government? I don’t think so.

Obama will be the first to tell you he is not responsible for our national debt and that he inherited the debt. He forgets to tell you. The Democrats put him in debt, not George W. Bush. Our national debt has increased 30 percent the past three years, better off now than before? I don’t think so.

Kirkland also states “Democratic administrations have always given us the high job-creation years. Republicans have had other priorities.” We the people enjoyed 52 straight months of job growth under George W. Bush.

If Obama is re-elected, at the current level of spending, our national debt will be $20 trillion at the end of 2016. Can we afford another four years? I don’t think so.

Randy Berendt


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