
Meet exchange student at Elgin Rotary breakfast

To help bring more awareness of the International Rotary exchange opportunities available to local high school students, the Elgin Breakfast Rotary will host an open house including a free buffet breakfast. The hourlong event will start at 7:15 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 25, at the Elgin Public House, 219 E. Chicago St.

Pat Crawford, owner of Elgin Medi Transport and longtime club member, said "Attendees will have the opportunity to meet our current exchange student from Paraguay and her host family Cindy and Rich Placko. We will hear about her experience integrating into the local community and attending Elgin High School. Written information will be available for anyone interested in pursuing an outbound exchange experience."

Also in attendance will be the District 6440 Governor Ellen Young from the Lincolnshire Morning Star Rotary Club and Assistant District Governor Tina Curtis from the Carpentersville Rotary Club.

"Rotary is dedicated to providing an excellent international experience to both our inbound and outbound students and you do not have to be the child of a Rotarian to participate," Young said.

The club also chartered three more local companies in the Business 25 Scholarship Fund. These include Lauderdale Electric, Otto Engineering, and Robert Chapski, Ltd.

"The community is depending on local companies to step forward and participate in the Business 25 initiative so we can provide scholarships to local students for the next quarter century," said Tom Schneider, owner of Golf Club of Illinois and longtime club member. "We appreciate individuals like Mike Doyen with Robert Chapski, Ltd., that are inspired by this cause to join us."

For more information about the club, Exchange Student Open House or the Business 25 Scholarship, call Alan Kirk at (847) 815-4895. Follow "Elgin Breakfast Rotary Club" on Facebook.

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