
The Soapbox

Scrape it off:

A Palatine High School cross country runner was seriously hurt this week when a car hit him, and Palatine police cited the driver for failure to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk and having an obstructed windshield due to frost. This is basic stuff, folks. Don't start your morning commute with your windows only partially cleared.

Hoops, there it is:

Yes, it's cold, but we knew it was coming. If you're looking for something to warm you up this winter, then check out a local high school basketball game. Our Sports Extra sections on Friday and website will prep you for the action.

A way to save lives:

Police in 32 Lake County communities will soon be equipped with an antidote for opioid overdoses, including heroin. Authorities touted the launch of the naloxone program as the "right thing to do." Lake and DuPage are the only Illinois counties with such programs. We urge others to get on board.

Honesty the best policy:

Kane County Clerk Jack Cunningham, said, "I have no defense for it," when he pleaded guilty to conducting campaign business on county email and paid a $545 fine. He said a factor in the screwup could have been his unfamiliarity with cellphone technology. We've all been there. And, we appreciate his candor. Now, how about a tech lesson?

Say "cheese":

This week in Springfield: State Supreme Court upholds legality of red light cameras; legislature moves to 70 mph tollway speed limit. Next year in Springfield: Gov. Rauner pushes for tollway stoplights? Just a thought.

A net gain for everyone:

When he was protecting the nets in the NHL and AHL, Wolves general manager Wendell Young made a lot of great saves. On Saturday, he and his son Matthew are making another to raise support for the Epilepsy Foundation of Chicago and Wolves Charities through T-shirt sales. The cause hits home for the Youngs and many other families.

Man's best friend ..:

... seems to be the DuPage County Forest Preserve District. Commissioners are considering a plan to build an off-leash dog park in Oldfield Oaks preserve near Darien, which they say is the one underserved portion of the county, dog-parkwise. Next challenge: Should it be fancy or a bare-bones park?

Support the director:

When Colin Collette was fired as music director at Holy Family Parish in Inverness after he announced he'd be marrying a man, the faithful vocally supported him. The church, however, held fast. It's now hired Gene Garcia to replace Collette, and we hope the congregation will embrace him, too.

Cold reality:

We're all aware that we turn the clock back an hour at the end of October, but we missed the memo about turning the calendar ahead. The first day of winter is a month away. Really? Could have fooled us.

Warm comfort:

But let's be thankful that what seems to be the last holiday not prone to rampant commercialism (aside from Black Friday creeping into the day) will be celebrated this week. Time to count our blessings with good food shared by family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving!

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