
Believe Project: $100 to help fight childhood obesity in the Lombard area

Today's winner of a $100 bill through the Believe Project is Jay Wojcik of Lombard.

Here is an excerpt of his suggestion:

"A hundred dollars would go a long way to help fight the childhood obesity epidemic! Healthy Lombard (a 501c3) has initiated a GYM (Get Yourself Moving) Bag Program that provides a way for second-graders to continue to get the recommended 60 minutes a day of physical activities on weekends. The little duffle bag contains exercise equipment and a notebook full of information and healthy recipes so kids exercise both the left and right sides of their brains. The $100 would allow us to provide five more bags to schools. Our goal is to have GYM Bags in every school in the Lombard area."

• The Believe Project mails a $100 bill each day to someone with a good idea for how to use it to do a good deed for someone else.

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