
Letter to editor: Rauner needs to worry about own problems

Governor Rauner needs to lead by example looking at his own "house" to help get the state out of debt.

The state government (aka his house) is overflowing with departments, offices, commissions, committees, personnel, outside contracts, and amenities that the Governor needs to take inventory of as far as spending before he tries to empty the pockets of schools, municipalities, the needy, and the residents.

The horrific financial state of Illinois is not because a single mother needed help with day care expenses or small municipalities like Island Lake got more than was they were due, it's because the Governors "house" has squandered tax dollars for years and not been held accountable.

No cutting of social programs, school funding, municipal dollars, or other public funds will solve anything until that "house" in Springfield cleans itself up.

Connie Mascillino

Island Lake

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