
Arlington Heights likely to OK $35 million bond sale for police station

The Arlington Heights village board on Tuesday is expected to approve the sale of $35 million in bonds to pay for construction of a new police station.

Although construction is not expected to begin until 2017, officials recommend selling the bonds early because of the budget uncertainty at the state level.

In November, Village Manager Randy Recklaus said officials were concerned that a much talked-about property tax freeze could limit the village's ability to sell bonds for the project. The village wants to have its bases covered because the police station is such a large project that has been in the works for years, Recklaus said.

The $35 million is an all-inclusive number that folds in the estimated $27.9 million in construction costs as well as funds for architectural and engineering expenses, furniture, equipment, renting a temporary police station, demolishing the current station and improving the parking lot.

The new police station will be a two-level 70,500-square-foot building with a basement and a 10,000-square-foot indoor garage for police vehicles, all located on the site of the existing station at 200 E. Sigwalt St. The next steps for the project include getting an architect and construction manager on board.

The Arlington Heights village board will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday, on the third floor of village hall, 33 S. Arlington Heights Road.

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