
Candidate can lead return to Reagan principles

As an adult child of the World War II generation, I believe, that of late, we are witnessing a strong resurgence and desire to return back the clock to the era when strong Reaganesque principles solved our economic woes.

In my opinion, a restoration of Reagan's ideologies are badly needed to manage and solve our ongoing current fiscal crisis in Springfield.

Martin McLaughlin, president of the of Village of Barrington Hills, is that man for this time in our legislative climate. He is running to replace Dan Duffy for the vacant 26th District state Senate seat.

Martin McLaughlin is a bold, pragmatic, unapologetic and optimistic thinker. As a non-politician, Martin enters the race having already demonstrated a tenacity to tackle inflated budgets at the village level, and he brings with him a schooled business approach to solving our state's problems.

We need someone who is willing to stand up, and articulate the concerns of everyday constituents. McLaughlin can and will work with legislators from across the aisle; without infusing partisan rancor, and seek out consensus whenever possible.

Finally, it is high time to stop being "politically correct" at the expense of taxpayers, seniors and businesses and begin the work of being politically incorrect, by deliberately and thoughtfully advocating for those whose voices have been silenced by the elitist dogmatic rhetoric of the ruling majority. Their failure to move the political needle to the middle and solve our financial crisis means that we need to urgently send representatives to Springfield who will uphold government's accountability charge to a higher ethical standard.

Please join me on March 15 and vote for a no-nonsense and inspiring candidate who will finally lead us of bankruptcy and make Illinois great again.

Linda H. Cools

Barrington Hills

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