
Editorial Roundup: Excerpts from recent editorials

Excerpts from recent editorials in the United States and abroad:


July 13

The Dallas Morning News on President Obama's remarks at a police memorial in Dallas:

Dallas' response in the days since five of our police officers were murdered demonstrates that our city can help show America how to heal its divisions over race and ease tensions over police violence.

That was the message President Barack Obama delivered Tuesday, and we couldn't agree more.

The shooter, Obama noted, was motivated by racial hatred, but the white officers he killed had been motivated by love and service. Dallas has responded with more love and unity in the days since.

That's a recipe for hope, the president said.

"We are not as divided as we seem," he said. "And I know that because I know America. I know how far we've come against impossible odds. ... And I know it because of what we've seen here in Dallas."

We weren't waiting for the President to tell us we've done what is right. We feel it in our bones, and see it in our neighbors' faces. But the words are welcome anyway.

The truth is, even before any of Tuesday's speeches, the service at the Meyerson Symphony Center was poignant and pitch-perfect. It was an appropriate capstone for five painful days that, despite our tears, have showed Dallas at its best.

Inside, the choir music was soothing and somber. The building itself, one of Dallas' finest, was transcendent. The large, diverse crowd was still and solemn.

Outside, a soft breeze blowing under a blue sky seemed to somehow gentle the punishing summer heat. Protesters were all around, but their signs called for love to triumph over hate. Officers from Grand Prairie and Arlington stood vigil.

And when the service began, Mayor Mike Rawlings spoke for all of us when, with two presidents, a vice president, and their wives, seated to his right, he welcomed a nation watching on live television. "Our pain is your pain," he said.

Dallas Police chief David Brown's Stevie Wonder moment will not soon be forgotten, nor the cheers it brought. Sen. John Cornyn praised our fallen officers powerfully, and still called on all of us to have needed conversations about race and criminal justice.

Former President George W. Bush spoke for us when he told America that we have lost five members of our family. He reminded us, too, that Americans can dream their biggest dreams when men and women in uniform stand guard. He added, gently, that those guardians do best when they are trusted, trained and accountable.

But it was Obama who said the things that most needed saying. Words, he warned, are inadequate.

"I've seen how inadequate words can be in bringing about lasting change. I've seen how inadequate my own words have been," he said.

He went beyond words, however, when he urged us to confront the racism we too often ignore. It is real, and the protesters like the ones in our streets last Thursday speak from places of pain and desperation. We must hear them even as we honor our police.

That's what Dallas can do, and the good news is we've already begun.

As Obama said: "Weeping may endure for a night but I'm convinced joy comes in the morning."



July 13

The Telegraph, United Kingdom, on the resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron:

Politics is a brutal business. David Cameron thought he had a few more months in Downing Street but the removal vans were at the back door to Number 10 yesterday, taking his belongings away in preparation for the arrival of his successor.

In one of his final duties, he chaired a meeting of the Cabinet and received the plaudits of his colleagues for his achievements, not least of which is his length of tenure. At six years and 63 days, his time in office is more than halfway up the list of British premiers, ahead of Peel, Lloyd George, Heath and Callaghan.

He is young enough to carve out a new career. Mr Cameron has always given the impression of being a man not entirely wedded to politics who can offer much wise advice to Theresa May from the backbenches should he remain in the Commons, which we hope he does. He is grounded by his young family and the support of his wife, Samantha, who after the emotional roller-coaster of the past few weeks may welcome some normality in their lives.

Mr Cameron will hope he is not remembered only for the referendum on EU membership. As he says today, he inherited an economic mess yet leaves behind a stronger country, a thriving economy and more chances to get on in life.

Moreover, the referendum may have been a personal calamity but it was the right thing to do: the country did need to be asked again whether it wished to continue with the UK's relationship with Europe. As the vote of June 23 testified, a majority did not.

In the immediate aftermath, there has been economic uncertainty and political tumult; but the long-term legacy could well be benign, though whether Mr Cameron will then be thanked for it is another matter.

But we need to go back to when Mr Cameron became party leader in 2005 to get the true measure of his success. The Conservatives had endured their third defeat at the hands of Tony Blair and Mr Cameron appreciated they had a problem among voters whose support was needed to win an election.

He had watched Mr Blair with an admiration that some Tories found inappropriate. But the Labour leader had defined himself against the Left-wing traditions of his party to reach out to centre-ground voters. Could the Tories do the same by "modernising" their image?

Mr Cameron was quoted describing himself as "the heir to Blair" even if he has denied saying it. But he wanted the Tory appeal to extend far beyond their traditional shire-based, true-blue voters.

He became an enthusiastic environmentalist, a penal reformer, a supporter of minority rights and a Tory who wished to share out "the proceeds of growth". His ambition was to create a Big Society, with everyone in it together - an impression that was hard to pull off when he and many of his closest colleagues came from privileged backgrounds.

After a succession of grammar school-educated leaders, it seemed like a backward step for the Tories to elect an Old Etonian, once a passport to power yet perversely now seen as a political handicap.

His moment of greatest peril came early in his leadership when Mr Blair resigned and Gordon Brown momentarily toyed with holding a general election, only to flinch from a contest many thought he would have won.

When the financial crisis hit in 2008, Mr Brown found himself vulnerable to the charge of failing to prepare the country for the shock.

But while the sudden end to years of growth knocked Labour for six it also unravelled Conservative plans predicated upon the boom continuing. In his search for new voters Mr Cameron had succeeded in alienating traditionalist Tories, many of whom left to join Ukip.

Partly as a consequence of losing some of this base, he failed to win the 2010 election but forged a successful alliance with the Lib Dems that sustained their coalition in office for five years, longer than many had predicted.

He was able to push ahead with reforms to education, with Michael Gove in the vanguard, and to welfare benefits. On the foreign stage, the triumphant removal of Col Gaddafi in Libya has subsequently been undermined by a failure to plan for the aftermath.

At home, the Scottish independence referendum was a moment of peril for Mr Cameron but the Nationalists were beaten and he went on to win the 2010 election, obtaining an outright Tory majority for the first time since 1992.

In doing so, the Lib Dems were all but wiped out and Labour crushed by the loss of virtually their entire Scottish representation to the SNP. Suddenly, Mr Cameron seemed to have an unchallenged opportunity to pursue his One Nation agenda and dish his Left-of centre rivals for good.

There was just the small matter of the European referendum to get past and Mr Cameron, having confounded so many predictions of his likely demise, believed that would be won, too.

He was wrong and his fate was sealed. Mr Cameron once said he wanted to be prime minister because he thought he would be good at it; and to an extent he was.

In Parliament and on the world stage, he looked and sounded the part, almost born to it. We wish him well.



July 13

The Advocate of Baton Rouge, Louisiana on the shooting death of Alton Sterling by police:

East Baton Rouge Parish District Attorney Hillar Moore III made news Monday in recusing himself from the case of Alton Sterling, the black man shot to death by Baton Rouge police during a struggle at a local convenience store on July 5.

Federal investigators are probing the shooting, but Moore could have had a role in determining whether to bring a local case against the officers if the feds decide not to pursue one. In sidelining himself, Moore said he's long known the parents of one of the officers involved in the incident. Because of his recusal, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry can assign any potential case to another DA, or handle such a case through his office.

Moore cited ethical concerns in removing himself from the case, but his recusal also lifts a political burden from his back. The Sterling case is so polarizing that any choice Moore made in handling it could have angered a large block of voters.

Moore's decision underscores a vivid reality. Sterling's shooting, which has attracted international attention, has become not only a legal issue, but a political one.

Sterling's family, as well as the officers who were present when he was killed, deserve a fair, impartial investigation that's aimed at winning justice, not a popularity contest.

We must safeguard the rule of law, which protects not only citizens, but the police officers who face dangers such as those in Dallas last week, and, closer to home, from a reported threat to kill Baton Rouge police officers.

But as the legal aspects of the shooting play out, the case is already resonating politically - most profoundly, of course, in Baton Rouge, where Sterling's death has sharpened a racial divide that's complicated community progress for generations.

While matters of law lean toward narrow questions of who did what, and when, and why, the politics of this tragedy, like politics in general, has been diffuse, touching on the usual barriers to racial progress - the economic stagnation of the inner city, educational gaps between blacks and whites, the possibility of profiling by police here and elsewhere.

Those issues were already circulating in the civic life of Baton Rouge before Sterling's death, most visibly in recent discussions about the lack of opportunity in largely black north Baton Rouge.

In the most recent phase of this public conversation, Baton Rouge's political patriarch, Mayor-President Kip Holden, has been largely silent. His muted voice, while unusual, perhaps signals that the post-Holden phase of the city's life has already begun. The mayor leaves office at year's end, and his successor will deal with the long-term implications of the Sterling case, however it unfolds.

But no mayor or police chief, governor or district attorney can do the hard work of racial reconciliation alone. Success will also require active and sustained engagement by residents from all walks of life. The presence of an overflow crowd at a Together Baton Rouge forum about the Sterling case on Tuesday about a mile from the shooting is a healthy sign that citizens are ready to help heal a fractured city.

They, and the city's next mayor, have their work cut out for them.



July 13

The New York Times on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Donald Trump:

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg needs to drop the political punditry and the name-calling.

Three times in the past week, Justice Ginsburg has publicly discussed her view of the presidential race, in the sharpest terms. In an interview with The Times published Sunday, Justice Ginsburg said, "I can't imagine what the country would be - with Donald Trump as our president," joking that if her husband were alive, he might have said, "It's time for us to move to New Zealand."

Earlier, in an interview with The Associated Press that appeared on Friday, when asked to consider a Trump victory, Justice Ginsburg replied, "I don't want to think about that possibility, but if it should be, then everything is up for grabs."

On Monday Justice Ginsburg doubled down, calling Mr. Trump "a faker," who "has no consistency about him." In that interview, with CNN, she added: "He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego."

Mr. Trump responded on Tuesday. "I think it's highly inappropriate that a United States Supreme Court judge gets involved in a political campaign, frankly," he told The Times. "I couldn't believe it when I saw it."

There is no legal requirement that Supreme Court justices refrain from commenting on a presidential campaign. But Justice Ginsburg's comments show why their tradition has been to keep silent.

In this election cycle in particular, the potential of a new president to affect the balance of the court has taken on great importance, with the vacancy left by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. As Justice Ginsburg pointed out, other justices are nearing an age when retirement would not be surprising. That makes it vital that the court remain outside the presidential process. And just imagine if this were 2000 and the resolution of the election depended on a Supreme Court decision. Could anyone now argue with a straight face that Justice Ginsburg's only guide would be the law?

Mr. Trump's hands, of course, are far from clean on the matter of judicial independence. It was just weeks ago that he was lambasting Gonzalo Curiel, the United States District Court judge overseeing a case against Trump University, saying that as a "Mexican," the Indiana-born judge could not be impartial.

All of which makes it only more baffling that Justice Ginsburg would choose to descend toward his level and call her own commitment to impartiality into question. Washington is more than partisan enough without the spectacle of a Supreme Court justice flinging herself into the mosh pit.



July 13

The Orange County Register on civilian deaths from drone strikes:

In a show of shocking imprecision, the White House recently released statistics on the number of civilians killed by U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and Africa during President Obama's seven years in office.

The imprecision is evident in two ways, and it encourages practical and philosophical questions about the drone attacks that play a large role in America's war on terrorism.

First, there are the statistics themselves. They're an insult to the word "estimate." According to the administration's first-ever report of this kind, as few as 64 and as many as 116 non-combatants have been killed, along with between 2,372 and 2,581 enemy combatants, in 473 unmanned aircraft strikes aimed at suspected terrorists and their leaders.

That's quite a range: 64 to 116. Americans wouldn't accept such inexactitude in a calorie count; we certainly shouldn't accept it in a casualty count of apparently innocent people.

And an accurate number of dead civilians may not fall within that range, given that independent organizations that keep track of reports of U.S. drone strikes believe the real toll is as high as about 800. The website Long War Journal counts 207 civilian deaths in Pakistan and Yemen, the think tank New America counts 216 in those countries, and the news organization Bureau of Investigative Journalism says the range is 380 to 801.

Second, there's what the statistics say about those drone strikes.

Part of the supposed point of using armed drones is that compared to bombs from manned aircraft, they're more accurate at hitting small targets. Collateral damage is supposed to be minimized. Civilian deaths should be few - the strikes more humane.

But these numbers, especially the larger private estimates, suggest that advantage is overstated.

The implications are fodder for critics of President Obama's stepped-up use of drones. Maybe that's why the administration rolled out the numbers on the Friday before the Fourth of July.

Note that the numbers don't include civilian deaths from drone strikes in Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria. They cover only places where the U.S. is not engaged in active hostilities.

To his credit, the president issued an executive order on the day of the data release making protection of civilians a priority for military planning. But good intentions won't satisfy those who say drone strikes, controlled by personnel at video screens thousands of miles away, sanitize the tragedy of civilian casualties.

While Americans debating how to fight terrorism may disagree on how many dead foreign civilians is too many, we shouldn't ignore the question of drone-strikes' big-picture effectiveness. Do they debilitate the enemy and discourage would-be terrorists? Or does anger at the killing of civilians drive more young men and women toward terrorist recruiters? Isn't the killing of civilians what we're fighting against?

Last month, this editorial board called on Congress to give the president authority to use military force against ISIS. At the same time, the board said U.S. leaders must clearly delineate our aims - as well as limits that keep military and police action within the bounds of American values.

They can begin to better define the mission by asking hard questions about the vague, barely believable data released on July 1 and the drone strategy itself.



July 13

The Japan News on Beijing and the South China Sea:

An international court handed down a decision that pointed a finger at the unjustness of Beijing's self-serving actions and statements related to its territorial claims in the South China Sea.

The ruling by the Hague-based court of arbitration fully dismissed Beijing's claims that its sovereignty covers almost all the area in the South China Sea.

Regarding the so-called nine-dash line - based on which China claims sovereignty - the arbitration court said "there was no legal basis for China to claim historic rights." The court also said "there was no evidence that China had historically exercised exclusive control" over the resources and waters.

The international court further concluded that China was not entitled to an exclusive economic zone for the artificial islands it has constructed in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.

The ruling supported the Philippines' appeal based on the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

The administration of Chinese President Xi Jinping has been increasing efforts to militarize seven artificial islands that his country has built in the South China Sea, thus heightening regional tensions. It is significant that an international organization has rejected the premise Beijing uses for its hegemonic behavior aimed at changing the status quo.

Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said in a statement that the parties concerned in this case "are required to comply with the award."

"Japan strongly expects that the parties' compliance with this award will eventually lead to the peaceful settlement of disputes in the South China Sea," Kishida emphasized. We regard his comments as a matter of course.

It is a problem that Beijing has reiterated its position of not accepting the ruling by the arbitration court, insisting that it should not handle the case. The Chinese Foreign Ministry released a statement following the decision, which described it as being "void, with no binding force."

The arbitration court cannot force parties concerned to follow its rulings. However, China is obligated to abide by the decision as a signatory country for UNCLOS.

Ignoring the ruling would only highlight China's lawless conduct in disregarding maritime order based on the rule of law. China could not avoid becoming more isolated in the international community.

It cannot be overlooked either that Beijing conducted large-scale military exercises before the arbitration court's ruling, in a show of its effective control over the South China Sea. Beijing is making desperate efforts to secure its maritime interests in the waters, apparently because the country aims to face off against U.S. military influence by using the area as a base for its nuclear submarines carrying strategic missiles.

Japan, the United States and other members of the Group of Seven advanced countries should play a leading role in persistently urging China to respect the ruling.

It is also vital that the United States continues its patrol activities with the Philippines and other countries near the man-made islands to realize freedom of navigation.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte reportedly hopes to hold negotiations with China in a bid to solve the issue.

It is crucial that Duterte carries on his predecessor Benigno Aquino's policy to work with Japan and the United States for the stability of the South China Sea. We hope the Philippine president will keep this in mind.



July 12

The Los Angeles Times on Bernie Sanders' endorsement of Hillary Clinton:

And with that, it's over. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, the 74-year-old Jewish socialist whose candidacy was dismissed by experts but who stunned the nation with 14 months of implausible successes, has offered his unequivocal endorsement to Hillary Clinton. He was a little slow to get there, and some thought he was a little more grudging than he ought to have been, but on Tuesday, he finally said what he needed to say: "I intend to do everything I can to make certain that she will be the next president of the United States."

Sanders was a phenomenon in a year of phenomena. Relatively unknown, unpolished and underestimated, he nevertheless captivated enormous crowds with a charisma powered by passion and a vision of radical change. Why not think bigger, he asked voters? Healthcare for all! Universal college, tuition-free! Livable wages! Close the gap between rich and poor, and reject the big money and special interests that dominate the political system. To millions of Democrats skeptical of Clinton's character or uninspired by her centrism, Sanders offered what sounded like an alternative worth fighting for.

The competition between two such different candidates unquestionably made the race more substantive. But ultimately, Sanders' quixotic message and ambitious promises were insufficient. Hillary Clinton convinced her party and its voters - and The Times editorial board - that she was the leader with the experience, knowledge and savvy to translate ideals into action. Though she lacked Sanders' intoxicating idealism, she was the vastly better-prepared candidate who could get the job done.

Now, the 13 million Democrats and independents who voted for Sanders in the primaries need to join forces with Clinton's backers in service of a larger and more essential goal. For all the differences between Sanders and Clinton, they have so much more in common with each other than with the presumptive Republican candidate, Donald Trump, who is intemperate and intolerant and a danger to the United States.

Trump's continuing efforts to divide and to bully, his cynical racial politics, his crude taunts, his know-nothing approach to the issues and his repeated reliance on untruths have shown him unfit to serve as president of the United States.

In the months ahead, we hope and expect that Sen. Sanders will work closely and enthusiastically with Clinton to protect this country against the disaster of a Trump presidency.



July 6

The Khaleej Times on leadership in South Sudan:

The South Sudanese leadership has failed to keep its word as the world's youngest independent country in Africa is imploding and sliding into chaos. President Salva Kiir and his deputy Riek Machar had vowed to shed the animosity and rebuild the strife-torn country, but have gone back to business of fighting. Week-long strife between rival political groups has left more than 270 people dead, and the capital Juba is in bleeding. A ceasefire, which was announced on Monday night, however, seems to be holding at the moment, but without any format for brokering permanent peace. Since the southern flank broke away from Sudan and became independent in 2011, more than a million people are homeless due to tribal violence and thousands are dead. The United Nations' 13,000 peacekeeping troops are no more than sitting ducks, as they lack a mandate to intervene with firepower.

South Sudan's is a case of leadership rivalry, as Kiir and Machar cannot seem to come together to build a nation and run the government. The war is primarily between two ethnic groups, the Dinka led by Kiir and the Nuer under Machar. As stated by US National Security adviser Susan Rice, they have put self-interest above the well-being of their country and people. This senseless and inexcusable violence is sliding South Sudan into anarchy, and threatening regional peace. This is the time for the world body and the regional stakeholders to put their foot down and reprimand the leadership to implement the power-sharing peace deal signed last August. An arms embargo and sanctions are pressure tactics to make them fall in line. Juba can do well by revisiting the peace deal and try to remove the issues that are holding them back. People rightly insist on accountability, rebuilding of institutions and addressing socio-political issues that have kept them at war all these years. The power-sharing deal, in fact, hasn't addressed the root causes of the conflict. Until and unless that is done, bringing lasting peace to South Sudan will be a mirage.


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