
A call to recreate sense of responsibility

Dear President Trump:

You won the presidency with a campaign promise and a mission to make America great again.

The greatness of America is rooted in the belief that all human life is created in God's image and is deserving of equal love and respect from the moment of conception until natural death. The greatness of America is grounded in the values of traditional families; men who respect their wives as treasures, women who value their children as gifts from God, parents working together to raise their children to know right from wrong and to treat others with the same dignity and respect they want for themselves.

The greatness of America is found in the willingness of its citizens to sacrifice for the sake and well-being of others who are less fortunate than themselves.

We are called to love and serve others; not to abdicate the responsibility for our fellow human beings to our government as their caretakers. Recreate this America, Mr. Trump, with our laws and your policies. Then, Mr. President, you will have truly accomplished your mission to make America great again.

Peter Gennuso


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