
Buffalo Grove Invites Community to Influence New Vision for Lake Cook Corridor

As the Village of Buffalo Grove considers future possibilities for the Lake Cook Corridor, all stakeholders are encouraged to become involved in the process by attending the first public meeting for the Lake Cook Corridor Market Study and Plan on Tuesday, February 7, 2017 at Buffalo Grove Village Hall.

The project area encompasses more than 472 acres (0.74 square miles) and includes properties from Arlington Heights Road to Weiland Road, and from Old Checker Road to just south of Lake Cook Road.

The market study and plan will explore and address how the village can best reposition the Lake Cook Corridor so that it optimizes future growth potential. The project goal is to create a visioning plan for the Corridor through a comprehensive approach that is based on market realities.

"Public engagement is a vital part of this project; residents, business owners, property owners, and all other interested stakeholders are invited to participate," said Village Planner Nicole Woods, the project manager. "This is the first of a number of planned community outreach activities that will be scheduled over the course of this project."

The purpose of the first public meeting is to introduce the schedule, scope and process for the project, in addition to providing an opportunity for the community to share its perspectives on issues and needs throughout the Lake Cook Corridor area.

The meeting will begin with a formal presentation, followed by an opportunity for attendees to provide input and meet with representatives from the Village of Buffalo Grove, and the project study team, which is led by international design firm, Hellmuth, Obata, and Kassabaum, Inc. (HOK).

The Lake Cook Corridor Market Study and Plan will be developed over five stages. The project was initially launched in December, and is currently in Stage 2, Existing Conditions/Market Assessment. In this stage, the project team is collecting and assessing market, traffic, real estate, land use, stormwater, and public engagement data, as well as information to understand the existing dynamics in the corridor.

Stage 3 will then focus on creating various development scenarios and visions for the Corridor, while Stages 4 and 5 will concentrate on finalizing the vision and developing strategies to achieve project goals.

The plan is anticipated to be complete by the end of 2017.

The public meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 7 at Buffalo Grove Village Hall, 50 Raupp Boulevard, Buffalo Grove.

For more information about the project and to sign up for the project's mailing list, visit the website at The website will be routinely updated to announce public engagement activities, project updates and other related news.

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