
Questions for our president and our time

I am just wondering:

• After 100 days, how many days did President Trump spend in Florida golfing at the expense of American taxpayers?

• Is our new president trying to engage in new wars, possibly even a world war?

• What was he doing during the Vietnam War and for what were his numerous deferments? Did he suffer from some medical conditions or did someone pay for him to stay out of the draft?

• When did it become all right for the nation's leader to so blatantly lie again and again to the American people?

• I am blessed with a wonderful wife, two amazing daughters and 5 beautiful granddaughters, so please, someone in the GOP tell me how to explain to my 7-year-old granddaughter if she asks me, "Grandpa, what does our president mean when he says,'you just grab em by the ...'"? Additionally, what did the GOP congressmen who dismissed this as locker room talk tell their wives about the comment?

• When is President Trump going to show the American people some leadership with class?

• Is it fake news or fake leadership? I think the latter.

• How many times a week does President Trump bring up former President Obama? He must feel threatened by his predecessor to be so obsessed with him. He can only hope to be half the leader Barack Obama was.

• Why won't we ever see President Trump's tax returns and why not?

• Why didn't he expect the job of the leader of the free world would be the hardest job ever? If you can't stand the heat in the kitchen, get out.

• Which comes first, impeachment or resignation?

Ron Riebock

Barrington Hills

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