
Ignore radiation at your own risk

In a breaking news story last March the California Department of Public Health, in a widely distributed report, released a draft document outlining health officials' concerns about cellphone radiation exposure, after keeping it under wraps for over seven years. For those who have denied the hazards of cellphone usage in the past, this study cannot be ignored. Cellphones emit a kind of energy called radio frequency EMF's (electromagnetic fields).

Health officials have long been concerned about possible health effects from cellphone use. Several studies have found people with certain kinds of brain cancer were more likely to have used cellphones for 10 years or more. Children are at greater risk of health damage since results of exposure to electromagnetic radiation may take upward of 15 years to appear, and children's neurological systems are immature at time of exposure.

ComEd is now in the process of installing 4 million Smart Meters on the homes of all Illinois residences and businesses by misleading legislators and Illinoisans into believing that smart meters are safe and harmless.

Smart Meters, unlike cellphones whose use can be limited, emit the same non-Ionizing radio frequency/microwave radiation into residences but round-the-clock. Frequent symptoms, besides cancer, include sleep disruption, headaches, ringing or buzzing in the ears, fatigue, loss of concentration, memory or learning ability, disorientation, dizziness and cancer.

Infants, children, pregnant women and the elderly are most vulnerable. Pets also suffer from exposure.

Shouldn't the concerns and health of its citizens be foremost on their minds of those we elect to govern us?

Nancy J. Thorner

Lake Bluff

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