
Sanders expulsion another case of liberal bigotry

So the owner of the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, asked Sarah Sanders to leave her restaurant because of her political views. Yet another outrageous example of liberal bigotry.

We know conservative movie actors and actresses have been discriminated against by liberal bigots in Hollywood. We know many college campuses have been discriminating against conservative speech and conservatives for years. The legal group Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, which has successfully sued many colleges that discriminated against conservatives, could provide you with a lengthy list of such cases.

The "values" of liberal bigots are so upside-down, backward and twisted they actually believe it's OK to discriminate against and legally persecute businesses run by decent moral people who merely don't want to cater to homosexuals.

This country needs to rise up against these intolerant, ignorant liberal bigots and put them in their place. They are a huge embarrassment.

Wayne Lela

Downers Grove

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