
Step in right direction

How ironic that I have vowed not to vote for any billionaire candidates for governor, yet find myself supporting a man named "Kash." Illinoisans, and fellow Lake County voters, we have an option. We don't have to vote for a billionaire who is on a wiretap schmoozing disgraced Gov. Blagojevich. We don't have to vote for a billionaire obstructionist who has already bought the governor's mansion once already. We don't have to kowtow to a two-party system rigged in favor of the haves vs. the have-nots.

We have a local Antioch man in Grayson "Kash" Jackson, and all we need to do to rescue Illinois from the death grip of Madigan and company is to vote him in. Join me at the polls this November and say enough is enough. Enough wasting millions upon millions of dollars in political mudslinging. Enough cronyism. Enough lifetime members of the legislature. Enough taxes and government.

Illinois is the Titanic, and we are sinking fast. Is Jackson the life preserver to fix all of our woes? Probably not. Is he a meaningful step in the right direction? Yes he is, and that's enough for me.

Scot Sinclair

Third Lake

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