
Beach Park Middle School Improv Team Advances to Word Finals

Beach Park Middle School takes first place in State and advances to Destination Imagination's Global Finals, the largest celebration of creativity in the world.

Beach Park, IL - On April 13th, the BPMS competitive improvisational team competed at the state competition held at Northern Illinois University in Dekalb. At the state tournament they earned 1st in state and have earned the right to travel to Destination Imagination's Global Finals, the largest creative thinking and problem solving competition in the world, to be held May 21st-25th in Kasnas City, Mo.

The BPMS team is made up of seventh and eighth graders Maddie, Katey, Cruz, Ari, Garrett, and Chyann. This BPMS team will compete against over 100 other middle school teams in one of seven, open-ended challenges that require young people to apply science, technology, engineering and math (STEAM), in addition to improvisation, theater arts, writing, project management, communication, innovation, teamwork and community service.

Destination Imagination has had a positive impact on more than 1.5 million young people and adults who have benefitted from taking part in its acclaimed Challenge Program. This year, another 100,000 young people have competed in tournaments throughout the U.S. and in 30 countries to earn a spot at the Global Finals competition in May. The Beach Park Middle School teams is among more than 8,000 students representing more than 1,400 teams from 30 states and 15 countries attending.

Going to the DI Global Competition does not come without a cost. We are asking families to helpout financially and fundraise the remaining costs to attend. Our team needs to raise $4,000 more before we leave on May 20 th. If you are interested in helping sponsor our team, please contact Katie Cranmer at Beach Park Middle School. Donations can be made out to Beach Park Middle School and sent to the care of Katie Cranmer at 40667 N. Greenbay Road, Beach Park IL 60099.


Ms. Katie Cranmer


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