
Key GOP senators say Bolton account bolsters case for witnesses

Two GOP senators said the explosive revelations in a draft of a book by former National Security Adviser John Bolton have bolstered the case for the Senate to hear new testimony in President Donald Trump's impeachment trial.

Senators Susan Collins and Mitt Romney said Monday that a leak about Bolton's unpublished manuscript has prompted new discussions among Republicans about subpoenaing witnesses.

Trump's lawyers are set to resume their defense in the impeachment case at 1 p.m. and will be under pressure to address the issue in their arguments, which have centered on the lack of a first-person account of Trump's actions during the House inquiry.

The disclosure from Bolton that Trump wanted to freeze aid to Ukraine until its government investigated his political rival "strengthen the case for witnesses and have prompted a number of conversations among my colleagues," Collins said in a statement.

Romney told reporters at the Capitol that "it's increasingly apparent that it would be important to hear from John Bolton." However he said he wouldn't make a final decision until after the conclusion of this phase of the trial.

Bolton's account of an August conversation with Trump links the withholding of aid to Ukraine to a demand for material to damage his political competitors, the New York Times reported. The disclosure has scrambled the politics of the trial.

The issue of witnesses will be decided once the president's team finishes its defense and senators get a 16-hour period to question them and the House impeachment managers about their cases, likely at the end of the week.

Bolton's account in the draft of his book fortifies the two central arguments made by Democrats in the trial: that Trump used the power of his office for political gain and that the senators urgently need to hear from witnesses the president blocked from testifying during the House inquiry.

In an opening statement on Saturday, White House Counsel Pat Cipollone argued that House impeachment managers had failed to prove their case, in part, because they had no firsthand evidence in charging Trump with abuse of power. He said the real aim of Democrats was to overturn the 2016 election and interfere in November's ballot.

Bolton, who left the administration in September in disputes with Trump over policy, has that direct knowledge. He's one of four current or former administration officials Democrats want to call as witnesses and has said he would testify if subpoenaed. His lawyer said previously that he has information that hasn't been part of the public record.

'No Doubt'

"There can be no doubt now that Mr. Bolton directly contradicts the heart of the president's defense and therefore must be called as a witness at the impeachment trial of President Trump," the seven House impeachment managers, led by Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, said in a joint statement Sunday night.

He told reporters at the White House Monday that he hadn't seen the manuscript, "but I can tell you nothing was ever said to John Bolton but I have not seen a manuscript, I guess he's writing a book."

Bolton's account challenges one of the "key facts" that Trump attorney Michael Purpura outlined on Saturday: that "not a single witness testified that the president himself said that there was any connection between any investigations and security assistance, a presidential meeting, or anything else."

Trump suggested another reason to prevent Bolton from testifying in a tweet, arguing that it was the job of the House to call Bolton during its impeachment proceeding even though witnesses have been called by the Senate in impeachment proceedings throughout history. "The Democrat controlled House never even asked John Bolton to testify," Trump said. "It is up to them, not up to the Senate!"

Collins and Romney are among at least four GOP senators who have expressed openness to hearing from witnesses, which could extend the trial by weeks, though they haven't committed to a vote.

No Republicans have yet said that Trump has committed an impeachable offense. With 67 votes required to convict, the president's acquittal remains all but assured. Still, the more important audience for Bolton's revelations will be the voting public who will decide in November whether Trump should be re-elected.

The New York Times said Bolton has been circulating a draft of the manuscript to associates and it had been described to the Times by several people. Bolton also sent a draft to the White House as part of the standard review process for books by former administration officials.

In the draft, according to the Times, Bolton wrote that in August the president told him he didn't want to send $391 million in security assistance to Ukraine until the government there turned over material related to former Vice President Joe Biden, one of his potential Democratic challengers, and supporters of Trump's 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Other Officials

Bolton also wrote that several top cabinet officials had knowledge of Trump's demands, including Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and Attorney General William Barr, as well as acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, according to the Times.

Bolton's lawyer, Charles Cooper, released a statement that doesn't directly address the substance of the Times report. He said the manuscript was submitted to the National Security Council's Records Management Division for standard prepublication security review for classified information on Dec. 30.

Cooper said it was submitted with the "firm belief" that it contained no information that could reasonably be considered classified and that the "contents of Ambassador Bolton's manuscript will not be reviewed or otherwise disclosed to any persons not regularly involved in that process."

"It is clear, regrettably, from The New York Times article published today that the prepublication review process has been corrupted and that information has been disclosed by persons other than those properly involved in reviewing the manuscript," he said.

At the heart of the Democrats' impeachment case is the allegation that Trump took a sudden interest in Ukrainian corruption only after Biden entered the Democratic nomination race in April. They allege that over the ensuing months, Trump withheld military aid and a White House meeting sought by the recently elected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, while seeking an investigation of Biden and his son Hunter Biden, who had served on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.

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