
SocialWorks' COVID-19 response takes 3-pronged approach

SocialWorks, founded by Grammy-award-winning musician and humanitarian Chance the Rapper, has developed a comprehensive CV-19 response to help the Chicagoland community. The three-pronged approach includes a hyperlocal resource list, an inspirational #30DaysofOpenMike challenge (with a $500 weekly prize for eligible students), and a webinar series titled, "SWorkshops," which launched on Monday, April 13th at Viewers can stream at the link or via social channels on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or YouTube.

Resource List

SocialWorks compiled a list of hyperlocal Chicagoland resources catered to individuals championing mental health, students, parents and families, Chicago creatives, hospitality workers, city institutions, and the quarantined. These resources range from relief funds, volunteer opportunities, curriculum supplements, games, and bonding activities.


The #30DaysofOpenMike challenge inspires and incentivizes high school students across the nation to stay creative while in quarantine. This 6-week challenge offers five prompts per week and awards $500 each week to students that post their creation using the hashtag. Judging is based on likes, creativity, and connection to prompt. Every Sunday morning, SocialWorks will post new prompts for the week on their social media and will congratulate the winner of the previous week. Weekly submissions will close each Friday at 5 p.m. CST.


SWorkshops is a fundraiser web series response to CV-19. With schools around the world closed, students are missing the highlights - connection, curriculum, and celebration. This series aims to inspire and educate, connecting individuals to local and national creatives, sharing their professions, interests, and hobbies! This campaign will directly fundraise a graduation/prom celebration for students within the Chicago area. Sworkshops inspires students through the quarantine and provides a safe outlet for real-life convening when safe.

The different categories of workshops in this web series include but not limited to the following:





Creativity through the Arts

Exciting hobbies!

About SocialWorks

SocialWorks, founded by Grammy-award-winning musician and humanitarian Chance the Rapper, aims to empower the youth through the arts, education, and civic engagement. Since 2016, SocialWorks has created 5 initiatives that present youth the opportunity to learn and act on their passions. SocialWorks' programming focuses on education, mental health, homelessness, and performing and literary arts - directly affecting thousands of youth yearly.

Through the initiatives, OpenMike, Warmest Winter, Kids of the Kingdom, The New Chance: Arts & Literature Fund, and My State of Mind, SocialWorks hopes to inspire creativity, build dreams, and advocate for youth success in all its forms. For more information, visit

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