
Fresh food initiatives feed, teach communities of color

PHOENIX (AP) - Bruce Babcock only has to walk across the street from his house in a residential neighborhood to get to the 10-acre patch (40,500 square meters) of farmland where he labors to help feed his community.

As a community garden coordinator, Babcock works with volunteer growers and food enthusiasts to provide enough freshly grown produce every week for hundreds of low-income Phoenix residents without access to much nutritional food.

The Spaces of Opportunity neighborhood food system is among several initiatives launched in Phoenix in recent years, following other U.S. communities like Oakland, California; Detroit and Chicago where urban gardens aim to improve food options in racially and ethnically diverse neighborhoods.

The efforts have grown increasingly important with hunger across America on the rise amid the coronavirus pandemic. For example, more than 5 million people in Arizona filed unemployment claims this year and many worry where their next meal will come from.

The Arizona Department of Economic Security said as of October more than 900,000 people had applied for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as food stamps.

Spaces of Opportunity works with the Roosevelt School District, the Orchard Community Learning Center, Unlimited Potential, the Tiger Foundation and the Desert Botanical Garden to produce and improve access to healthy food through farmers markets and distribution programs.

It is located in south Phoenix, a predominantly Latino and Black community that public health officials call 'œfood deserts'ť because of limited access to fresh produce and other healthy options.

A map by the U.S. Department of Agriculture shows such food deserts are widespread throughout Arizona and other parts of the Southwest. A lack of fresh food can cause people to depend on fast food and other items that can make them vulnerable to diet-linked health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.

Babcock began volunteering with the garden in 2015, after he experimented with an aquaponics project in his backyard. He began paying for a quarter-acre plot of his own shortly after that.

Babcock said growers start out paying $5 a month for a quarter-acre and can later expand to a full acre plot. More than 60 gardeners now work there and as many as 200 have worked under Babcock since 2015.

'œWe really slowed down over the summer and I was worried it wasn't going to pick back up because of COVID-19,'ť Babcock said. But people returned in the fall when the triple-digit temperatures dropped and he opened up more land for gardeners.

Community interest in nutrition and food education has sparked some of the growth, said John Wann-Angeles, director of the Orchard Community Learning Center.

Wann-Angeles, a former principal in the Roosevelt School District, said part of his interest comes from his earlier experiences working with children, hoping to keep educating young people to build a better future for their community.

Wann-Angeles gathered one early fall morning with volunteers at a Roosevelt district elementary school, wrapping vegetarian burritos for the meals they deliver each Thursday to up to 175 people with modest resources. Bags stuffed with seasonal fruits and vegetables were also lined up for delivery.

The recipients that day included residents of the Justa Center, which provides shelter, food and job services to people over 55 who have lived on the street.

Justa Center Executive Director Wendy Johnson said the fresh fruits and vegetables from Spaces of Opportunity 'œare a treat among our residents.'ť

'œThe strawberries are a favorite. The oranges are gone in minutes,'ť said Johnson, noting that residents are used to getting canned foods. 'œFood is a privileged item when you are poor.'ť

Spaces of Opportunity farmland is also where former WNBA athlete, coach and executive Bridget Pettis operates Project Roots Arizona, the group she recently founded after she retired.

Project Roots offers seasonal produce bags for free to residents in Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale and Glendale; sells garden boxes that people can use to grow their own produce at home; cooks soup for homeless people and sells vegetables at farmers markets throughout metro Phoenix.

'œThere is a lack of access, but it's a lack of knowledge and education about food in these areas that we are trying to address,'ť Pettis said. 'œThat's what Project Roots wanted to bring - the knowledge of food.'ť

The International Rescue Committee, a leading resettlement agency for people who come to the U.S. fleeing war and persecution, has a similar program in the Phoenix area called New Roots for refugees.

New arrivals from countries such as Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan are given lots, seeds and guidance to grow crops such as tomatoes and watermelon to sell or add fresh, healthy options to their own family meals.

Farm Express, another fresh food initiative, has taken a more accessible approach, converting a 40-foot (12-meter) city bus and a smaller shuttle into mobile markets selling fruits and vegetables at cost in disadvantaged Phoenix neighborhoods.

'œWe're trying to make sure working class families have the same access to the kind of produce the restaurants get, that are sold at farmer's markets,'ť said Elyse Guidas, executive director of Activate Food Arizona that runs Farm Express.

Activate Food Arizona buys the produce wholesale, then charges the same prices to shoppers who choose what they want from a list. Shoppers can use their government nutrition benefits, plus get a bit more produce for free through a program funded by a local grant.

Matthew Forest, 32, said he was delighted by the low prices he found for fruits and vegetables at a recent stop Farm Express made next to a public housing project south of downtown Phoenix.

It was the first time he and his girlfriend, Eboni Davis, 33, bought anything from the brightly painted former city bus. The closest grocery story is a 1 1/2-mile walk for Forest and Davis, who don't have a car.

'œThis has been a real experience,'ť Forest said after the couple spent less than $14 for a bunch of bananas, a few oranges, collard greens, a grapefruit, a butternut squash, a green apple, a red onion, strawberries and a few potatoes.

'œThis is a lot less expensive than the supermarket,'ť Forest said before wheeling the produce home in a metal cart.

Several local vendors set up their booths at Spaces of Opportunity in south Phoenix for its weekly farmers market Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2020. Arizona nonprofits have joined other groups around the U.S. working to bring fresh produce and healthy food options to residents in low-income and racially and ethnically diverse neighborhoods. Spaces of Opportunity, a collective of Phoenix-based organizations, was founded on the idea the community could come together to grow local fruits and vegetables, assist local farmers with land and income, and educate its residents about food security. (AP Photo/Cheyanne Mumphrey) The Associated Press
Spaces of Opportunity garden coordinator and farmer Bruce Babcock stands in front of an array of cactuses on Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2020, from one of a handful of family farms to be sold at the weekly farmers market. Babcock works with volunteer growers and food enthusiasts to provide enough freshly grown produce every week for hundreds of low-income Phoenix residents without access to much nutritional food. (AP Photo/Cheyanne Mumphrey) The Associated Press
Farm Express employee Jacob Pettinato, who is also a Phoenix resident, sorts vegetables on the city bus converted mobile food market parked outside Luke Krohn Housing Community in Phoenix on Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020. (AP Photo/Cheyanne Mumphrey) The Associated Press
Farm Express employee Jacob Pettinato, who is also a Phoenix resident, sorts vegetables on the city bus converted mobile food market parked outside Luke Krohn Housing Community in Phoenix on Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020. The fresh food initiative sells fruits and vegetables at cost in disadvantaged Phoenix neighborhoods. (AP Photo/Cheyanne Mumphrey) The Associated Press
Farm Express employee Jacob Pettinato collects vegetables for a customer on the city bus converted mobile food market parked outside Luke Krohn Housing Community in Phoenix on Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020. The fresh food initiative sells fruits and vegetables at cost in disadvantaged Phoenix neighborhoods. (AP Photo/Cheyanne Mumphrey) The Associated Press
The Farm Express bus is parked outside Luke Krohn Housing Community in Phoenix on Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020. Farm Express is a mobile food market that services Phoenix and its suburbs, focusing on communities with little access to fresh produce. The brightly painted former city bus recently resumed its rounds after pausing for months during the coronavirus pandemic. (AP Photo/Cheyanne Mumphrey) The Associated Press
A Farm Express employee gathers fruits and vegetables to fill an order at Luke Krohn Housing Community in Phoenix on Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020. The former city bus was converted into a mobile food market that services Phoenix and its suburbs, focusing on communities with little access to fresh produce. (AP Photo/Cheyanne Mumphrey) The Associated Press
The Farm Express bus is parked outside Luke Krohn Housing Community in Phoenix on Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020. Farm Express is a mobile food market that services Phoenix and its suburbs, focusing on communities with little access to fresh produce. The brightly painted former city bus recently resumed its rounds after pausing for months during the coronavirus pandemic. (AP Photo/Cheyanne Mumphrey) The Associated Press
A wooden sign leaning against a wall on Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020, at Spaces of Opportunity in south Phoenix reads "Give someone a fist they eat for a day. Teach someone to garden, the whole neighborhood gets tomatoes!" The 10-acre community farm is run by a collective of multiple local organizations in Phoenix, including the Desert Botanical Garden and the Roosevelt School District. (AP Photo/Cheyanne Mumphrey) The Associated Press
Chef Maria Parra-Cano mixes fruit salsa with pineapples, tomatoes and other vegetables to be plated with tortilla chips and burritos as she leads a group of volunteers in Phoenix on Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020, at V.H. Lassen Elementary School, in preparing 150 meals to be delivered to social workers in south Phoenix for distribution to children and families in need. The group prepares meals every week at the school. (AP Photo/Cheyanne Mumphrey) The Associated Press
Volunteers with the Orchard Community Learning Center fill bags with in-season fruits and vegetables to be given to families in south Phoenix on Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020. The bags are filled with fresh produce from the gardens at Spaces of Opportunity. (AP Photo/Cheyanne Mumphrey) The Associated Press
V.H. Lassen Elementary School Culinary Program Coordinator Amy Simpson prepares a burrito filled with wild rice mixed with spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables in Phoenix on Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020. The burritos will be plated with tortilla chips and fruit salsa and then handed out to social workers in south Phoenix for distribution to children and families in need. The group prepares meals every week at the school. (AP Photo/Cheyanne Mumphrey) The Associated Press
Volunteer Joy Custer scoops fruit salsa into a plate with a burrito to then be filled with tortilla chips at V.H. Lassen Elementary School in Phoenix on Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020. The plates of food are then bagged and sent to social workers in south Phoenix for distribution to children and families in need. The group prepares meals every week at the school. (AP Photo/Cheyanne Mumphrey) The Associated Press
Orchard Community Learning Center Director John Wann-Ángeles stands in a pathway at Spaces of Opportunity, a collective of Phoenix-based organizations, in Phoenix on Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020. Wann-Ángeles helps coordinate operations on the 10-acre patch of farmland in south Phoenix. Spaces of Opportunity was founded on the idea the community could come together to grow local fruits and vegetables, assist local farmers with land and income, and educate its residents about food security. (AP Photo/Cheyanne Mumphrey) The Associated Press
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