
Letter: Northbrook Caucus candidates are best choice to continue development, environmental progress

I am a longtime Northbrook resident and have worked on both environmental and housing issues. We have seen tremendous progress in both of those areas thanks to all of the trustees, particularly Northbrook Caucus-endorsed candidates Ciesla and Collison.

The Green Acres property is zoned as open space, and the new owner knew that they were taking a risk assuming that they would be able to convince Northbrook to change its status to residential. They have since gone to the board twice with dense developments (first with 800 units and then 582) which would cut down many trees on the property, create traffic problems, and increase the burden on our school system as well as our municipal services. People in the surrounding neighborhood as well as other Northbrook residents expressed their concerns about the harm the development would cause. After reviewing the plans and hearing from the community, every single member of the board and President Frum opposed both proposals.

Gene Marks, on the other hand, has said that he thought the developer had "great plans," that Northbrook should "build up" the property. He has expressed no concerns about making developments sustainable, or preserving trees and green space, nor is sustainability even mentioned on the slate's website. His slate opposes the new affordable housing ordinance, refused to be interviewed by Go Green Northbrook, and has endorsements and money coming in from real estate groups.

United4Northbrook's website states that "properties will not be rezoned without the support of the community," and "incorporating our opinion in development will be an essential part" of their process, but they have made it clear that their sympathies lie with real estate developers and their profits, not Northbrook residents. Please make a plan to vote for Ciesla, Collison, Pepoon, and Ebhomielen in the upcoming election.

Catherine Caporusso


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